Tuesday, December 8, 2009


God, I made this apple pie from Bea's blog recipe and I have to say it tastes just like no other I've ever made! I used an already made crust and I think that's why I can't cut the pie in pieces; it has so much juice but I am eating it from the pan with a spoon!!!! God, it's delicious!!!! Go to her blog and try the recipe!
I like to add some banana and raisins to the apple pie and so I did with this great recipe too!

Didn't have enough dough to make the cover so just had some stars instead, lol...
Yesterday I made some mince pies also following her blog post and I looooved them! Don't judge them by the way they look, lol... so ugly but so yummy!!!!!
Thanks God I met Bea!!! lol... Although my clothes aren't thinking the same way! lol...


lalyco said...

Que pena que tu blog sea en inglés, no me entero. Ese pastel tiene una pinta deliciosa al igual que el otro de manzana de más abajo. ¿me podrías pasar las recetas? me encantan todos los dulces que llevan manzana.
La colchita que me decías tiene unos colores preciosos y se ve muy suave, yo aún no he estrenado la lana.
Un abrazo

Glitter said...

When can you come over and make one for my family. Lol! Looks delish!